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幸好理事長找到敏捷專家 David 老師來協助我們解決問題,目前已從痛到無感的狀態進步到正常有感!以前出現的那種自我放棄狀態「啊!非營利組織就是不能像軟體公司一樣用敏捷的那種消極心態」。經過兩堂課程的淬鍊,竟然迎刃而解了!團隊們都感到相當驚喜且開心!現在的模式是重新開始認識敏捷,去學習講師在講台上所呈現敏捷的流暢樣貌。雖然還未達到成功標準,不過夥伴們對於現在所開的每場會議,因為需要彼此互相承諾,學習效果變更好了。進入組織的每個人,就是該彼此溝通一起為事情思考討論得更好,若想在會議中逃避想不說話想內向關閉自己是無法的唷!也因為鼓勵直迎溝通,會議因此變多了!以前總以為讓會議減少才是有效率的,現在煥然一新後,會議不減反增,效率提升且品質變高,團隊動力上升,也證明了非營利組織一樣適用敏捷。使用敏捷快一年才上手,找對專家真的可以減少過渡期的痛苦!
在課堂上聽到 David 老師這幾句話讓我深深受用,也讓我有所反思。這幾句話讓我連結到自己的帶班班級經營,我總是經常幫班上孩子設定學習目標、階段目標,但我卻從未問過學生,這是否是他們最想要的?我也常常要求班上同學要有責任感,但這些責任感都是別人給的,而非來自於學生自己想扛起的責任。目標是老師和家長給的,責任也是,那學生自己本身呢?這點似乎讓人忽略了學生是獨立的個體,有他們自己的想法。身為老師的責任應該是去引導學生思考,讓學生學會為自己定下目標,為自己的人生扛起責任。把主控權交回到學生自己身上,這也是敏捷式教育提到的自我管理,老師只需要幫忙學生搭建起鷹架。
SM/PO:很多外界證照多是講解敏捷概念、有哪些會議形式,這門課程不是如此隨便,更是讓我們深入思考敏捷思維實質帶給我們的意義。最有價值的是兩種角色是分開的證照(建議先上 SM 再上 PO),透過四個全天課程了解角色間轉換的精神分裂。
海內外實務:真的是問好問滿,同學們來自金融業、車用業、支付業、硬體業,很難得會有課程在每每上到段落都被我們拷問我們在導入過程中的困難、海外怎麼執行等等問題,往往我在其他地方都得不到的困惑處,似乎都迎刃而解。例如 Acceptance Criteria 與 User Story 的拿捏、估點的技巧與思維、QA 的涉入等等。
當然在引導 Product Owner 的過程中還是跌跌撞撞的,但改變本來就沒有止盡,謝謝這堂課帶來不只是知識上的充實還有心靈上的充電~ 也十分感謝建威管理顧問 Jim 老師的教導與協助!
科技業資深專案經理 Jane 【Registered Product Owner by Scrum Inc.™ 學員】
I enjoyed learning from David about the different hats a Scrum Master wears to be successful during the adoption and practice of the Scrum theory. David is a very good trainer and I highly recommend him. One of my many takeaways for me was the fact that we tend to overlook the application of scrum values. Without applying these in every event and opportunity, we risk the chance of becoming a high-trust, high-performance team.
Dr. Winston Gonzalez, Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University【Lean Agile Institute Certified Scrum Master™ 學員】
David was a great teacher to learn the principles of Agile and Scrum from. He took the time to explain and review concepts effectively, while still maintaining an efficient pace through course material. This allowed for our cohort to touch on additional topics or ask more in-depth questions. David helped me understand the importance of compartmentalizing review of the product vs review of the people during the Sprint Review and Retrospective. When it came to the group exercises, he took the time to point out and explain what was done well or what could be improved to better understand the material. Overall, David was a great instructor and I enjoyed taking the course and look forward to bringing those practices to my everyday.
Thank you David for the well structured course and I learned a lot while enjoying the exercises and additional discussions!
Joshua Gonzalez, Lead Analyst at Technomics, Inc. 【Lean Agile Institute Certified Scrum Master™ 學員】